Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Anyone Up for a Game of Frogger?

Ahhh, yes...the transition from coastal life to big city life. Our adventure in Rome began while riding in the shuttle van from the airport to our hotel. We were with 8 other people in a van of sorts. With neither of us ever being in Rome before, we buckled up and were hanging on for dear life as our driver wove in and out of traffic, merging in lanes we did not realize existed, dodged motorcycles (who are not required by law to obey traffic signals - they simply go as they see fit, which proves perilous for pedestrians!), and finally transported us to our hotel 2 hours later.

This is our 2nd full day here in Rome. We spent the first day getting acclimated to our surroundings. Acclimated did we get....or perhaps a better word would be 'lost'! It took us a few circles to finally figure out that right in the middle of intersections, streets change their names. We spent from about 9 AM to 7 PM roaming the city. We were quite pleased with all of the sights we saw by foot - Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, Campo de Fiori, Victor Emmanuel Monument (Tomb for Unknown Soldiers), Piazza Navona, and many little stores.

Spanish Steps - a hangout for many romantics over the years. It offers a gorgeous cityscape.

Known as the World's Most Elegant McDonald's - in our opinion, we would definitely agree! Nothing like eating a classy treat of 2 McFlurrys inside of here!
In front of the Trevi Fountain. Everyone under the sun was here...literally. The weather is mid to upper 80s. Anywhere there is water, there are people!

The Pantheon. Half of the outside was under restoration. This structure is huge! The pillars were transported in one piece from Egypt. The intricate detail on the inside is incredible. All of the lighting is provided by a hole in the dome at the top. The inside of the Pantheon can house a ball with a diameter of 142 feet. If you look closely, you can see Krista in a white shirt standing next to one of the columns. Talk about a contrast in size!

Piazza Navona - This was a gathering place for local artists during the day and central party zone at night. In the center is the most famous fountain by Bernini. The intricacies of the architecture throughout the city are astounding.

We feel like we are in the movie 'Elf.' Everywhere we hear that there is the world's greatest gelatto, we have no choice but to check it out for ourselves! This place definitely ranks right up there!

Victor Emmanuel Monument - This monument is found in the heart of the city. It is a dedication to the tomb of the unnamed soldier as well as a monument to Italy's first king. It is guarded 24 hours a day by members of the military.

St. Peter's Square - this is where the Pope normally speaks to the crowds. The ring of columns symbolizes the arms of the church welcoming everyone including believers and non-believers. It has 284 columns 56 ft. high with Bernini's 140 favorite saints, each 10 ft tall, on top of the columns. However, due to the heat, this speech was moved inside (unfortunately, we did not have tickets :( )

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you guys are able to enjoy some of that amazing architecture. Rome is definately a very great city with amazing buildings. Enjoy the gelato while you can, I remember we didn't eat it till we came to Italy, so don't think there is much of it in Paris. Oh and you guys will have to watch angels and demons again, since you have now seen half the stuff in that movie!!
